i cannot believe it is already august?!??!
- i would like to first wish a very (late) happy birthday to one of my oldest and dearest friends, my forever lifeline, the funny and gorgeous, lucy joan wehking.
- my sister's wedding dress... now we just need to find her prince
- obsessed with these wedding invitations (thanks a cup of jo)
- so freaking ADORABLE
- check out the photos from this bash
- ikea 2011.. CATALOG!
- girl crush
- love these shorts
- sassy and chic dresses
- an apple core
- i read this book.... very inspiring
- cannot wait to try a moscow mule
- this is what johnny ballgame calls RT's Revenge haha
- im obsessed with you, cary
- i also read THIS book on my VACAY... a harry met sally kind of thing
- a bike and a girl
- love these tights
- the best nail colors for FALL
- cute bracelet
"the trick of it, she told herself, is to be courageous and bold and make a difference. not change the world exactly, just the bit around you. go out there with your double-fist, your passion and your new smith corona electric typewriter and work hard at... something. change lives through art maybe. write beautifully. cherish your friends, stay true to your principles, live passionately and fully and well. experience new things. love and be loved if at all possible. eat sensibly, stuff like that." - one day
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