- g.v.g.v. collection
- chris boot photography books
- a splendid time exhibition
- take me to this bar
- toms shoes does it again... all weather boots
- columbia based t-shirt company... verrry rad
- marilyn minter is a fresh and exciting artist... even madonna thinks so
- the decade in music
- john lautner homes... space age bachelor pads
- i am obsessed with photographer, anna wolf
- the finest driving experience... aspid cars
- fashionably delicious
- i love passion pit
"when everyone else was at camp... i was embroidering rainbows and unicorns on my jeans" -marc jacobs
"girls, if boys say something that's not funny, you don't have to laugh" -amy poehler
"my secret is enthusiasm and being able to connect with people that i like" -luis venegas
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